Dog cardiopulmonary resuscitation training simulator

It is a full-scale anatomically correct dog model. The model is made of synthetic material that imitates the coat.
The simulator provides the opportunity to practice basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques, auscultation of the heart and lungs, tracheal intubation, intravenous and intramuscular injections. The model has the anatomical landmarks necessary to perform the above activities and procedures:
- ribs;
- movable lower jaw and limbs with areas for injection;
- elastic tongue, teeth;
- Anatomically faithful epiglottis and glottis.
The simulator is controlled by the controller, on which indicators characterizing the basic CPR in dogs are displayed:
- depth of compression / decompression;
- the volume of mechanical ventilation.
Ventilation is accompanied by a rise in the chest, which makes it possible to evaluate actions when performing mechanical ventilation.
Also, in the corresponding section of the controller, one or another auscultatory picture of the lungs or heart is selected. Highly sensitive sensors are integrated at the auscultation points to control the simulator using the interactive effects of transceivers. The correct place to touch the training phonendoscope is accompanied by sounds characteristic of a pre-selected scenario.
Heart sounds:
- pansystolic noise;
- ventricular septal defect;
- pendulum-like rhythm;
- normal heart sounds;
- the first heart tone is reduced;
- the first heart tone is split;
- gallop rhythm;
- physiological third heart tone;
- pericardial friction noise;
- extrasystole;
- atrial fibrillation.
Breathing sounds:
- wet rales;
- rough wet noises;
- gross breathing noises;
- crepitus;
- fine bubbling rales;
- normal bronchial breathing;
- normal vesicular breathing;
- pathological bronchial breathing;
- intermittent breathing;
- wheezing;
- pleural friction noise.
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